Hearing Services
Conversation with a good friend. A grandchild’s laughter. A moving symphony piece. What we hear plays a large role in enhancing the quality of our lives. So when you experience hearing loss, you lose more than your hearing, you miss out on some of life’s greatest joys.
Over 30 million Americans are affected by hearing loss, yet only 20% of people are diagnosed and treated for the problem. Since vision and hearing work in harmony to affect the quality of your life, The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin is proud to now offer a comprehensive hearing program, fully integrated into our existing clinical services.
Hearing loss usually sets in gradually, so it may be difficult for someone to notice its effects. For this reason, a hearing screening is now included with our comprehensive eye exam for anyone 55 or older.
Call 800-472-0033 to schedule your appointment with our Audiologist, Dr. Lori J. Fish.
See Common Signs of Hearing Loss
Hearing aids enhance lives – download information here