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Mike, Tomahawk, WI

“I suspect for most, the loss of one’s hearing is a gradual process. You don’t realize how bad things have gotten until you get to the point that your favorite word is “what?” At 66, I had gotten to that point. Turning up the volume on the TV or radio was no longer the answer. I still had a hard time understanding what was being said, especially when it was a woman’s voice, which naturally is in the mid to high frequency range; something I clearly lost as was shown by my audiology exam by Dr. Fish.

I concluded that I was missing too many things with my hearing loss that I had previously enjoyed. As noted above, listening and understanding dialog on the TV was a constant challenge. I also missed listening to music. Often times I was listening through headphones rather than a sound system in an effort to better hear the music. As an example, I have been an Elivs fan for many years, acquiring a rather large collection of 45’s, albums and cd’s over the years. In the fall of 2015, RCA released a cd entitled “If I can Dream.” It was a remix of a number of Elvis songs with The London Royal Philharmonic performing the music to Elvis’ voice over. I purchased the cd, put on the headphones and listened. The cd sounded good, although admittedly, I expected more. After I purchased my new Phonak V50 hearing aids some months later, I listened to the cd again through a regular sound system. The music that sounded good through the headphones, now sounded great. I was able to hear not only the high notes of the stringed instruments, but a much fuller and richer sound to the accompaniment. it was a great experience. it truly showed me what I had been missing.

At the risk of sounding like a commercial for Phonak, I can’t say enough about how happy I am with my new Phonak hearing aids and the services provided by Dr. fish. Yes, nobody wants to spend four or five thousand dollars on hearing aids, but the alternative is going through the rest of your live unable to enjoy it to the fullest because you are unable to hear the sounds that are so much a part of that life.”

-Mike, Tomahawk, WI