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The latest news and information on all things vision.

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, information, and special events in eye care, vision, and optical services.

Costume Contact Lenses

Posted by ecwadmin on October 21, 2013 in Contact Lens, Optical.

Costume Contact Lenses By Matthew J. Johnson, OD The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable upcoming Halloween! At the same time, we also need to caution folks about the use of decorative contact … Continue reading

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5 Things Physicians and Patients Should Question

Posted by ecwadmin on September 30, 2013 in Health.

5 Things Physicians and Patients Should Question comes from the American Academy of Ophthalmology with reaction from Kevin Flaherty M.D., ophthalmologist with the Eye Clinic of Wisconsin: 1. Don’t perform preoperative medical tests for eye surgery unless there are specific … Continue reading

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iStent: New Advancement for People with Mild to Moderate Open-Angle Glaucoma

Posted by ecwadmin on June 25, 2013 in Glaucoma, Health.

New Advancement for People with Mild to Moderate Open-Angle Glaucoma to Help Reduce the Need for Eye Drops The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin has always stayed on the forefront of technology in eye care.  Today, almost every aspect of vision … Continue reading

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Considering Purchasing Glasses Online?

Posted by ecwadmin on May 22, 2013 in Optical.

Internet sales of prescription glasses capture 2-3% of the national market. Yet a recent study shows that nine out of 10 websites studied did not collect all of the necessary information to dispense accurate spectacles. The researchers surveyed ten online … Continue reading

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Your Story Matters

Posted by ecwadmin on April 24, 2013 in LASIK.

At Eye Clinic of Wisconsin, we love helping improve your vision. From routine eye exams to eye surgery and treatments to the region’s leading optical team, our goal is better vision for you and your family. And the best part? … Continue reading

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Optical Reveals New ValuSpecs Line of Frames

Posted by ecwadmin on April 7, 2013 in Optical.

You spoke, we listened!!  During the month of March, Eye Clinic of Wisconsin mailed surveys to patients inquiring how our Optical Department can be of better service.  Through the results we received, the number one answer was that our patients … Continue reading

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ecLASIK Lifetime Enhancement Policy

Posted by ecwadmin on March 11, 2013 in LASIK.

We’ve just made ecLASIK even better!! The Eye Clinic of Wisconsin now backs ecLASIK, the region’s premier laser vision correction procedure, with an optional Lifetime Enhancement Policy. Qualifying patients who choose the Lifetime Enhancement option are secure in knowing that, … Continue reading

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Hearing Aids Enhance Lives for People of All Ages

Posted by ecwadmin on February 26, 2013 in General, Technology.

People often see hearing loss as a sign of aging and consequently think of hearing aids as a technology that can only benefit older individuals.  The reality is that it’s a condition that affects a wide demographic.  Nearly six million … Continue reading

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More Benefit With Advances In ecLASIK

Posted by ecwadmin on January 8, 2013 in LASIK, Technology.

Thousands of people have benefitted from ecLASIK.  But there have always been some who couldn’t benefit.  The surgery was once off-limits to people with thin corneas, dry eye and prescriptions in higher ranges. Now, however, thanks to advances in technology … Continue reading

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Seeing Through Sound

Posted by ecwadmin on December 12, 2012 in Technology.

It has long been thought that people who were blind from birth would lack the ability to process visual information, even if their sight were restored. A recent study at Hebrew University’s Safra Center for Brain Science suggests otherwise. The … Continue reading

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